
There are still some legal inequities for LGBTI people, which is why it’s important to understand your legal rights and the significance of documentation. Changes to legislation in 2013 have made it unlawful for any provider of aged care services, who is a recipient of federal funding, to discriminate against anyone on the grounds of their sexual orientation, gender identity or intersex status. This applies to all service providers, regardless of whether they are faith based or secular.

Additional services –

Seniors Rights Service 
Seniors Rights Service Inc is a community legal centre that provides Non-legal advocacy for the residents of Commonwealth funded hostels and nursing homes and recipients of in-home aged care in NSW; legal advice and advocacy for residents of self-care retirement villages; legal advice and information to older people in NSW.<

Community Legal Centres NSW
Community Legal Centres NSW is the peak representative body for almost 40 community legal centres in NSW. Community legal centres are independent non-government organisations that provide free legal services to people and communities at times when that help is needed most, and particularly to people facing economic hardship and discrimination.

HALC (HIV/AIDS Legal Centre)
The HIV AIDS Legal Centre (HALC) is a not-for-profit, specialist community legal centre, and the only one of its kind in Australia. As lawyers we tackle the severe stigma and discrimination that remains associated with HIV, and provide specialist support to deal with the particular issues that HIV and the law create.

Wills, Powers of Attorney, Enduring Guardianship, Advanced Care Directives etc. 
Professional, legal and financial services including Wills, Estate Administration, Power of Attorney and Financial Management.

3 Easy Ways to Plan Ahead
Planning Ahead Tools provides information and advice for future legal, health and financial decisions – get it in black and white.

Gay and Lesbian Immigration Task Force NSW
The primary aim of GLITF is to assist the foreign partners of Australian lesbians and gay men to migrate to Australia.